
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report II-November 2010 十一月感恩事項 (二)

(2) God enables me to have a good relationship with my landlord 神賜福我和房東的關係
My landlord is a zealous Buddhist. Therefore it is really challenging to build a good relationship with her, especially when she intends to ignore her responsibility as a landlord. I often prayed for her since I have moved into this apartment one year ago. God grants me the courage and wisdom to make assertive bargaining with her many times. Most important, God also enables me to have a good relationship with my landlord until now. 

我的房東是虔誠的佛教徒,她家中擺設一套頗高級的佛手椅背的桌椅. 因此要和房東建立良好的關係是極俱挑戰性的,尤其是當她有什麼都不想管企圖忽略擔任房東角色責任的意圖.自從去年搬入這公寓後我就經常為我的房東禱告. 感謝神賜我智慧與勇氣能多次和房東進行肯定的磋商.最重要的是直到如今神使我和房東一直保持良好的關係.
This was the gift that my landlord gave me, the bigger lemons named organic perfume lemons which I have never seen before. When my landlord received my gifts that she used to send something in return. This time she even taught me how to make the lemon vinegar.

My landlord also gave me the organic grape wine she made by herself which is almost the same as my mom made when I was a kid. There was a vineyard in the backyard of my home during my early childhood. I appreciate our LORD enables me to taste it again by my landlord. God is so amazing, He can use anyone, including the Buddhist, to make a benefit for his beloved servant. When I thought of it, I love and fear God more than before.


Praise Report I- November 2010 十一月感恩事項 (一)

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!(2 Corinthians 9:15十一月是充滿感恩的季節,感謝 神,因他有說不盡的恩賜!(林後9:15)
(1) God enables me to have a good relationship with students 神賜福我和學生的關係

 This is one of the thank you cards I  received from my students.這是這個月我從學生收到的卡片之一,上面寫滿了溫暖感人的話.


Praise Report III- October 2010 十月感恩事項 (三)

3) Attend the celebration of the CES's 40th anniversary in 2010 參加華神四十週年慶
Congratulations!!! The Chinese Evangelical Seminary's 40th Birthday!!! 
恭禧!!!華神過四十歲生日!!!回顧1989年我全時間到華神受裝備,1992年道碩畢業迄今,全職服事之路一路走來都是恩典.感謝神感動我參加華神四十週年感恩之夜的慶祝會,並參與校友詩班的獻詩. 歷屆的院長,眾多的師長和關心華人神學教育的教會牧長們,以及華神的校友們在台北懷恩堂齊聚一堂,同頌主恩與團契,這些都是華人教會與神學教育的委身與見證者,見證我們所信的主耶穌是信實的三一神. 如同詩人所稱頌的,神以恩典為我們年歲為冠冕,使我們的路徑都滴下脂油!!!

These are CES's motto and logo. 華神的校訓與校徽


Praise Report II- October 2010 十月感恩事項 (二)

2) The reunion with the family of my classmate. 和華神同學重聚
Praise the LORD that He granted me an opportunity to visit my classmate of the China Evangelical Seminary in 1989 and his family this October.

感謝神賜我機會在十月底有機會和譚牧師夫婦重聚敘舊.譚牧師是我1989年在華神的同學.譚牧師夫婦自香港來台接受神學裝備並忠心服事神,數十年如一日. 譚師母是腎臟科醫師,台大醫院內科部專任主治醫師,神不但使用她向台大醫護人員及病人作見證傳福音,又賜她音樂的恩賜在教會協助夫婿服事神.每逢想到他們,我就感謝我的神.

My classmate, Rev. Tan, came from Hong Kong, he has faithfully serviced the LORD since 1985 till now. His wife is a nephrologist,a doctor in charge of the medical department at the National Taiwan University Hospital.


Our LORD gave her the calling to evangelize people she contacted with there and assist her husband at the church as possible as she can. Dr. Kao can also play the piano very well. I haven't seen her since I had graduated from the China Evangelical Seminary in 1992. 

Rev. Tan praised the LORD and her wife played the piano at the same time.


Praise Report I- October 2010 十月感恩事項 (一)

There are many things I want to thank the LORD, so I decide to write the praise report of this October now.  
1) God gives me the wonderful little one, Little Taiwan, as a gift of hope in my life. 
    My grand birdie called Little Taiwan. This is the first time that my grand birdie outsoars the cage since he or she was born in this August. No wonder his or her parents, Little In and Little May,  made so louder noises to wake me up in this morning.
    Little Taiwan is a incredible gift that God gives me. God orchestrates all the details and process of his or her hatch. It seemed Little Taiwan once was an ugly duckling in the beginning, yet I love him or her all the same. You can also see Little Taiwan is God's really brilliant creation.

     Little Taiwan actually does a good job in one month, not only become more brave but also improve the relationship with me. When I call his or her name, Little Taiwan responds me. I enjoy to love my grand birdie a lot. This video is a testimony that proves our close reaction.  
     Last midnight I took a cold pack because of the hotter weather but I forgot to close the door of the refriegrator. I even did not notice it until I was waked up by the noises of love birds. While I wrote my spiritual journey, I was immediately enlightened and reminded, the reason that Little Taiwan outsoared cage was for me! Thank you, my LORD. I love you, Little Taiwan! 


I Have A Dream VII 我有一個夢(七)

In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions. The LORD alone led him; no foreign god was with him. He made him ride on the heights of the land and fed him with the fruit of the fields. He nourished him with honey from the rock, and with oil from the flinty crag, with curds and milk from herd and flock and with fattened lambs and goats, with choice rams of Bashan and the finest kernels of wheat. You drank the foaming blood of the grape.Deuteronomy 32:10-14 NIV

Under Your Wings
When I was younger feel small
When I laid my hands in Yours
I felt the sadness fade and disappear
When my heart would fell and break
I just looked at Your face
The smile You gave me
Brought me back to You
The only place I know where I was safe

Under Your Wings I am forever
Under Your open skies I soar
Because Your love for me was everything
I needed to be strong
I am always home
Under Your Wings

In another place and time
How the memories rewind
Back to my Father who held me in His arms
Whoa and I know I was loved
For who I was no matter what
The smile He gave me
We would never be apart

Under Your Wings I am forever
Under Your open skies I soar
Because Your love for me was everything
I needed to be strong
I am always home
Under Your Wings

Do You know from where You are
How grateful that I am
That Your dreams will carry You with me

Under Your Wings I am forever
Under Your open skies I soar
Because Your love for me is everything
I needed to be strong
I’m always home I’m always home
I’m always home
Under Your Wings ...


Praise Report II- September 2010 九月感恩事項(二)

相較於八月,九月是忙碌的月份. 一方面忙於兩區基宣以及情緒邏輯進階班的教學,同時也開始學習養育小小鳥小台. 另一方面則忙於以賽亞書的英文查經,能心無旁騖地查考神的話是我人生最享受的菁華時刻.


Praise Report I- September 2010 九月感恩事項(一)



偏頭痛困擾我多年,若再加上感冒與生理期連續數週病嫣嫣,那個月鐵定不好過.感謝聖靈啟發我,自從六月的感冒經驗中使我開始學會戴頭巾保護頭部免受低溫與寒風侵襲. 此舉果然有效降低感冒與偏頭痛發生的機率與持續的時間.我相信這也是因為許多義人為我所作忠心的代禱是大有功效的緣故!!!


Little Silver Fish With Amaranth Potage 令人懷念的莧菜吻仔魚羹


莧菜又稱為荇菜,富含鐵質與鈣質,尤其紅莧菜的鈣、鐵含量更是豐富,可媲美菠菜,所以另有一個常見的英文名字叫Chinese Spinach。相片就是我所買的紅莧菜,看起來果然還健康.


莧菜富含多種營養素,其所含的蛋白質比牛奶更能被人體吸收,而所含的胡蘿蔔素比茄果類高2倍以上,鐵含量是菠菜的1倍。 《本草綱目》記載,莧菜『甘、冷利、無毒,具有補氣除熱,利在小腸,治初痢』等功用。中醫上認為,莧菜具有解毒清熱、補血止血、抗菌止瀉、消炎消腫、通利小便等功效;而民間則視莧菜為『補血佳蔬』,故有『長壽菜』之美稱。莧菜屬於涼性蔬菜,體質虛寒或腸胃衰弱、經常性腹瀉者,不可多吃。且莧菜鉀含量高,腎功能不佳者應避免食用過多。
菜吻仔魚羹100克大約所含的營養成份: 熱量18 kcal 水分93.3 g 維生素A214.2 mg 維生素C15 mg 鈣156 mg 鉀530 mg 鐵4.9 mg 有興趣的網友可以參考以下的作法:
【材料】莧菜 一把約200公克 吻仔魚 150公克 蒜末 12 1200-1500cc
【調味料】適量 米酒 1大匙 高湯雞塊1塊、白胡椒1小匙、太白粉1大匙、水100g、香油少許【作法】 1.莧菜洗淨切小段。莧菜因葉面有凹凸所以在洗的時候要把葉面洗乾淨順便把較老的根部去除2.準備鍋子燒熱加油2大匙,爆香蒜末有點微黃即可把水倒入鍋中燒開再加高湯雞塊,等水滾開後把莧菜下鍋煮軟 3.吻仔魚買回後要先蒸熟備用。高湯煮開後,放入吻仔魚,加米酒再度煮開 4.續加入鹽、雞粉調味,最後芶薄芡再加點香油攪拌一下即可起鍋裝碗,這樣就完成莧菜吻仔魚羹


The Three Kinds Of Delicacies Braise Sea Cucumber Is Unforgettable 令人懷念的什錦三鮮燴海蔘

以屬靈的角度處理原生家庭的議題是最近一週教學的重點,需要很多神的恩典和智慧以及禱告面對. 我相信在基督裡神能將一切都更新,使我過一個遠遠超過得勝者的生活活出豐盛的生命. 每個人的原生家庭對其生命的成長都有著重要的影響,我也不例外. 當愈多靜思默想原生家庭,我的內心不斷湧現對母親的感恩與思想.雖幼時未必有強烈意識但現今憶起,便更加肯定母親一身手的好廚藝.每當友人來訪或逢年過節請客時,母親總是能迅速煮出一桌千變萬化的好菜.
 近日常常想起童年的歲月,尤其是和母親同在一起的點點滴滴.記得母親常煮來宴客的一道好菜就是令人難忘的什錦三鮮燴海蔘,我也超過二十年沒吃過甚至也沒機會再看過這道菜. 現在想起這色香味俱全的什錦三鮮燴海蔘,還真令人垂延欲滴呢!!!只是當時年紀太輕甚至連菜名都不知道,就別提這菜的營養豐富均衡與珍貴.
母親這道什錦三鮮燴海蔘頗能考驗主廚功力,網路上是這樣描繪的:海蔘中的膠質成分對改善老年人的退化性關節炎很有幫助,所以吃海參可延遲衰老。而又添加花枝.魷魚.豬肉片.腳筋.蛋. 小黃瓜.紅蘿蔔....豐富的海鮮,讓您在生活中就能享受三珍海味.記得母親調理這道菜另外佐以碗豆以及筍片而非小黃瓜,最後拌太白粉或地瓜粉後起鍋,很有多層次的風味與口感.我特製幾張圖片供網友參考.

八月底有機會走訪台北迪化街,這才有機會買到什錦三鮮燴海蔘中不可或缺的海蔘.一經詢問沒想到海蔘最便宜的竟然一斤也要一千多台幣,高級一點的一斤要價三千多元. 海蔘這麼昂貴,讓我大感意外. 原來海蔘別名海中人是一種棘皮動物,含有藥用價值,可以補腎益氣、固腎強筋、除濕利水,解除關節酸痛。海蔘亦不含膽固醇,口感滑滑的,因此很多老人家都愛吃. 由於海蔘之於我等同於什錦三鮮燴海蔘這名菜,以及母親滿滿的愛. 所以最終我還是買了兩個海蔘,因至今還沒來得及買齊相關配料,僅以原貌和網友分享.


The Mitten Crab Rice Taiwanese Style 令人懷念的毛蟹飯

現在我正住在中壢,算是個很特別的城市. 這個城市既保有客家特色,又湧進大批各國外勞,同時在某些角落某些區塊上更像極了我童年時代的台灣.記得小時候媽媽偶而會煮香噴噴黃橙橙的毛蟹飯,一粒粒晶瑩惕透的米粒擁抱著小而肥美的毛蟹述也說著許多人童年共同的故事. 而飽滿的蟹黃正代著家庭幸福的記憶,成為我內心永遠的相思與感念.

I live now in the Chung Li City. It is a very special city in Taiwan where many Hakka people live here. Maybe it is the reason why she is just as my childhood features of the Taiwan. Meanwhile, this city is full of many foreign laborers. I remember when I was a child, my mother sometimes cooked the colorful mitten crab rice Taiwanese style was so delicious. As a exquisite weave, each rice was so glittering and translucent embraced many tiny but plump and juicy mitten crabs. It now has become my sweet memory that represents my family story. How much I miss my mother and the mitten crab rice Taiwanese style!!!

這二三十年來對毛蟹飯的懷念正如對已安息主懷多年的母親的懷念一般,愈來愈深.深埋在心中深處的感懷無人知也無處抒發,有時進入更深有時強忍不說,但我知它一直在那裡沒有消失. 有那麼少數幾次偶而乍現的機會在國道巴士或公車上看見馬路旁呼嘯而過的販賣毛蟹的招牌,卻每每總是任務在身或距離過遠無法下車採購真令人扼脕.年記漸長的我現在才了解在幼年時,神使藉雙親已使我享受到的是大自然珍貴的禮物. 小小一碗毛蟹飯充滿著可口的毛蟹,當時雖然覺得美好卻不特別珍惜,直到近二十年來毛蟹愈來愈少而我也一直沒機會再次品嚐, 才驚覺大自然已嚴重受污染破壞,更深深體會自我年幼已得到的是上帝的恩澤.

More and more I miss the mitten crab rice Taiwanese style these twenty years when I miss my mother. Nobody know it, yet I know the remembrance is always there. Now I know God has grants me the best during my childhood, it is the heathy, nature, organic and delicious gift through my mother. I hasn't have the chance to eat mitten crab rice Taiwanese style within these twenty years for I seldom see people sell the mitten crabs. One of the reasons is the nature has been polluted and spoiled, the mitten crabs can only live in the nature and pure environment. Even though I saw them once or twice, yet I couldn't get off the bus to buy immediately. 

最近在全然沒有預期與心理預備下,就在中秋節前颱風襲台前愛情鳥金孫小台來到新世界不久當我到龍潭教學中心教課時,上帝看顧成全我這許多不為人知的小小思念與需求. 再一次我看見毛蟹的招牌,這回鼓起勇氣加快腳步首度走到百年大鎮馬路旁毛蟹小販前詢價購買.一問之下才知一斤(公斤?台斤?)中型毛蟹竟要台幣一千多元!!!其實毛蟹飯需要的是小型毛蟹,但小販說已被人全買走.(是真?是假?) 現在的毛蟹雖是中型但蟹黃卻十分稀少. 無論如何我還是買了兩隻中型毛蟹回家,土法煉鋼憑小時的記憶自行創作出一道令人懷念的毛蟹飯. 雖然色香味全不如小時媽媽的手藝,但算是獻給母親,上帝與大自然一個最深的敬意與謝禮.小販迅速允諾我拍設他的毛蟹,還熱心地解說毛蟹無法人工飼養等,在此與網友們一起分享這些活在二十一世紀的台灣野生可愛的毛蟹影像.

On the way teaching at Longtan Township teaching center before Typhoon Fanapi is knocking on our door, I got an opportunity to buy the mitten crabs by God's grace. To my surprise, it is more expensive than I expect. It costs more than one thousand Taiwan dollars. I was not sure the meaning of the seller means one catty or one kilogram, yet I bought two of them. I tried to cook them according to my memory and the way of my mother, though I couldn't buy the tiny ones. The seller allowed me to take pictures and I share them with you now.


Expect A Colorful Autumn III 期待多彩的秋天(三)


敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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