
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report - Summer V 2015 夏季感恩事項(五)

The LORD also led me to develop my professional clinical and teaching experience in my middle age. He prepared my heart to teach a student who was a pedophilia and learned more how to discern and win the spiritual battle at the same time.  It was a great grace to help troubled persons grow holistically through the biblical logical emotion course. There were different kinds of clinical and spiritual problem among my one on one students, some of them were suffered pain of depression family history, some had divorce family history, etc. 

感謝神在我中年時期引導我不斷發展情緒課程專業教導經驗. 祂也預備我的心去教導有網路色情上癮與戀童症傾向的學生.同時神更幫助我學習如何去辨識關鍵問題, 並打贏這場屬靈的戰役.這是個很棘手和難處理的內容, 教會和社會對這方面都太陌生.這幾年來不斷有這方面重大的社會案件發生,但顯然並沒有促進家庭和社會各界對此有多大的了解.當我愈接觸我愈發現各界普遍性的誤解和不知所措的現象.這一切更突顯此客題的重要性.

我深感能夠藉由教導具聖經觀點的情緒邏輯課程,去幫助在困擾中的個體得著全人的成長,這實在是很大的恩典.我主要是教授情緒課程,透過課程的學習學生可以自助式的處理自己的困擾.所以我的學生中各種不同問題類型都有,包括有些有沮喪家族史,離婚家族史等等, 甚至也有財務困擾者也獲得神的幫助.這過程既輕鬆又艱難,往往因為神蹟使我們讚嘆不已.因為神的使用與介入,也使我付代價的教學更值回票價.以下圖片是我一位學生的心靈世界與行為改變技術的記錄.


Praise Report - Summer IV 2015 夏季感恩事項 (四)

It always was a great grace and joy to have time with my family together,it was also significant for me since my eldest sister has gone to the heaven. Although we were busy, we also have family reunion during Chinese New Year's holiday this spring. 

The LORD also empowered me to serve my father, helped him many times in the hospital. I was so thankful to serve and figure out my father's illness finally through numberless checks.  Therefore, there were a gracious relationship's breakthrough between my father and I since last winter, too.

和家族團聚變得十分珍貴的喜樂和恩典, 特別在大姊到天堂後. 雖然平常我們四散各地,都很忙碌,但每年舊曆年大年初二我們已約好定期相聚.今年是羊年,從相片可看出我們多洋洋得意喜樂的團聚,能享受這樣的時光是多麼美好的生命之恩啊!



Praise Report - Summer III 2015 夏季感恩事項 (三)

The LORD blessed whatever I had planted. My life was in God's delight, whatever I do prospers. As I planting, my heart was full of joy, praise and strength. For the LORD did turn my sorrow into joy, turn the curse into praise, turn my weak into His powerful strength.

上帝奇妙的引導我回鄉,同時整理頂樓數十年的廢墟與垃圾.剛開始欲哭無淚,無人了解和幫助.後來神蹟很多,許多貴人主動相助,而我也歡喜做甘願受. 慢慢的恐佈的頂樓,變成怡人的菜園,甚至我老哥好幾次上樓欣賞彩霞,並呼吸新鮮空氣. 以下是許多成果之一二, 如蕃茄,薄荷,玉米等. 二姐一看玉米,就立即連想到幼年家中的共同記憶,何等寶貴啊! 就連冬天插枝雞蛋花也成功,神使我經歷昌盛,多產,倍增與掌權的應許.

敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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