
God's Family
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The Mitten Crab Rice Taiwanese Style 令人懷念的毛蟹飯

Posted on 晚上10:10 by God's Family

現在我正住在中壢,算是個很特別的城市. 這個城市既保有客家特色,又湧進大批各國外勞,同時在某些角落某些區塊上更像極了我童年時代的台灣.記得小時候媽媽偶而會煮香噴噴黃橙橙的毛蟹飯,一粒粒晶瑩惕透的米粒擁抱著小而肥美的毛蟹述也說著許多人童年共同的故事. 而飽滿的蟹黃正代著家庭幸福的記憶,成為我內心永遠的相思與感念.

I live now in the Chung Li City. It is a very special city in Taiwan where many Hakka people live here. Maybe it is the reason why she is just as my childhood features of the Taiwan. Meanwhile, this city is full of many foreign laborers. I remember when I was a child, my mother sometimes cooked the colorful mitten crab rice Taiwanese style was so delicious. As a exquisite weave, each rice was so glittering and translucent embraced many tiny but plump and juicy mitten crabs. It now has become my sweet memory that represents my family story. How much I miss my mother and the mitten crab rice Taiwanese style!!!

這二三十年來對毛蟹飯的懷念正如對已安息主懷多年的母親的懷念一般,愈來愈深.深埋在心中深處的感懷無人知也無處抒發,有時進入更深有時強忍不說,但我知它一直在那裡沒有消失. 有那麼少數幾次偶而乍現的機會在國道巴士或公車上看見馬路旁呼嘯而過的販賣毛蟹的招牌,卻每每總是任務在身或距離過遠無法下車採購真令人扼脕.年記漸長的我現在才了解在幼年時,神使藉雙親已使我享受到的是大自然珍貴的禮物. 小小一碗毛蟹飯充滿著可口的毛蟹,當時雖然覺得美好卻不特別珍惜,直到近二十年來毛蟹愈來愈少而我也一直沒機會再次品嚐, 才驚覺大自然已嚴重受污染破壞,更深深體會自我年幼已得到的是上帝的恩澤.

More and more I miss the mitten crab rice Taiwanese style these twenty years when I miss my mother. Nobody know it, yet I know the remembrance is always there. Now I know God has grants me the best during my childhood, it is the heathy, nature, organic and delicious gift through my mother. I hasn't have the chance to eat mitten crab rice Taiwanese style within these twenty years for I seldom see people sell the mitten crabs. One of the reasons is the nature has been polluted and spoiled, the mitten crabs can only live in the nature and pure environment. Even though I saw them once or twice, yet I couldn't get off the bus to buy immediately. 

最近在全然沒有預期與心理預備下,就在中秋節前颱風襲台前愛情鳥金孫小台來到新世界不久當我到龍潭教學中心教課時,上帝看顧成全我這許多不為人知的小小思念與需求. 再一次我看見毛蟹的招牌,這回鼓起勇氣加快腳步首度走到百年大鎮馬路旁毛蟹小販前詢價購買.一問之下才知一斤(公斤?台斤?)中型毛蟹竟要台幣一千多元!!!其實毛蟹飯需要的是小型毛蟹,但小販說已被人全買走.(是真?是假?) 現在的毛蟹雖是中型但蟹黃卻十分稀少. 無論如何我還是買了兩隻中型毛蟹回家,土法煉鋼憑小時的記憶自行創作出一道令人懷念的毛蟹飯. 雖然色香味全不如小時媽媽的手藝,但算是獻給母親,上帝與大自然一個最深的敬意與謝禮.小販迅速允諾我拍設他的毛蟹,還熱心地解說毛蟹無法人工飼養等,在此與網友們一起分享這些活在二十一世紀的台灣野生可愛的毛蟹影像.

On the way teaching at Longtan Township teaching center before Typhoon Fanapi is knocking on our door, I got an opportunity to buy the mitten crabs by God's grace. To my surprise, it is more expensive than I expect. It costs more than one thousand Taiwan dollars. I was not sure the meaning of the seller means one catty or one kilogram, yet I bought two of them. I tried to cook them according to my memory and the way of my mother, though I couldn't buy the tiny ones. The seller allowed me to take pictures and I share them with you now.

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