
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report Autumn II 2011 秋季感恩事項(二)

 I have ever been to many other countries in my life, yet I have never dreamed that I will come home again and service my mother church as a mentor this summer.
這一生我到訪過許多國家,卻未曾夢想過今年暑假會歸家,並且擔任母會的顧問牧師. 賀知章的詩可以說明我歸家前的心境[少小離家老大回,鄉音無改鬢毛催,兒童相見不相識,笑問客從何處來.]
2. Enjoy Coming Home and Service  享受歸家服事的生活
 I remembered when I received Fran's letter, my teaching leader of the BSF, mentioned about it , I thought it was impossible! Because I moved to Taipei for years after I became a Christian. In addition, I have ever been home to serviced my mother church for three to four years many years ago. I felt exhausted at that time!Therefore, I went to the Unites working on my doctoral degree. I do not think I will come back again!

Now I am living at my home town. I often stroll along the houses where my family and relatives have ever lived as well as to enjoy many memories of my early childhood emerging from my mind..現在我住在我的家鄉鹿寮,介於清水沙鹿之間,隸屬台中市沙鹿區.當我延著小時候和親戚們一起住過的房子街道漫步時,常享受許多兒時的回憶湧現心頭的時光.

One day on the way to my new office, new church in the early morning, I met my uncle. He is now ninety years old. I saw him sat down under the old tree in front of his house, he  greeted me friendly without knowing I am intending to plant a new church nearby. 

After I said good bye to him I saw him bowed down, he  is a religious man indeed.  My uncle was active both in politics and in local idols worship because no one introduced gospel to him. He sometimes takes a walk in the countryside. Yesterday I even saw him rod his motorcycle! I am glad he is still healthy now. Please pray that he can open his heart to Jesus and accept the LORD soon. 
Not only I pray spiritual revival will come to my mother church continuously, I also pray all my neighbors, families and relatives will enter into the LORD's kingdom soon.

Praise Report Autumn I 2011-秋季感恩事項(一)

The LORD leads me to come home this summer according to His plan這個暑假上帝按祂的計劃帶領我搬回老家.
1. Enjoy birds watching  享受賞鳥的生活
Because of the move that I am extremely busy but experiencing many miracle. Now I can have a bird watching life easily. Just open my window or open the door, I can watch various kind of birds fly nearby. I enjoy to watch and listen to my grand birdies, Little Ma and Little Ry, too. Whenever I see them, I miss Little Taiwan as well. At the same time they also remind me that the LORD treats me faithfully, very similar to Job.


敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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