
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report-Winter V 2011 冬季感恩事項(五)

5. Thanks for the medical check and devotional check 謝謝有醫療追蹤和奉獻支票
I want to give you the praise report about my medical check. Both my thyroid and breast  are healthy!!! My doctor found there were lots of microcalcifications in my left breast last December. I suffered more pressure to get the information because of my breast cancer family history. However, he told me it seemed no change at all during this year last month. As to my thyroid gland, the doctor told me the result was good. His monitor of my thyroid cancer was below 0.2 last week. How does it relieve me, praise the LORD! 
I also thanks for those who care and support my life periodically, including my professors, friends, family, students and co-workers in the LORD. Recently I received two checks, one is from the Christian Campus Bookstore, they pay for selling my book each year. Another one is from a the first missionary in Chingshui, Donna Saun, she sends me her support and love. She wrote me a long letter to persuade me accepting the devotion,  she insisted to give and involve the planting the new church in my hometown. The key is not the amount, but the influence. The LORD encourages me paying the cost to do the right things which He has revealed to me through it. 

Donna with her lovely grand son! 多娜宣教師母和她可愛的小孫子!

Praise Report-Winter IV 2011 冬季感恩事項(四)

4. Thanks for the new believes 謝謝有新的信徒
The LORD led me to plant a new church in my hometown, for no church was there. There are three new believes in the New Heaven and Earth Church in LuLiau of my hometown now. The church house is still under constructed as well as the spirituality of those new believers. 
Little John is a paint worker, as his part time job. He is the third believer. Little John painted my eldest sister's house which the LORD provides as a church and Taiwan Emotional Educational Center office, you can see in the photo. I care and share the gospel to John, when he work for me. I invited him to attend our Thanksgiving Day Celebration on November 6th, this is the first time to go enter into a church in his life. He raised his hand to say 'Yes, I will.' to Jesus after my preach. Praise the LORD!!! That is totally the work of the Holy Spirit!!! My love bird just died in that early morning, before I went to my mother church for ministry. I knew God comforted me through this new spiritual baby was born. That's my life!
小約翰是第三位新的信徒,他是一位兼職的油漆工. 我雇用他來油漆大姊名下的房子,沒想到神預備這裡作為台灣情緒教育中心和教會的辦公室.相片正是小約翰油漆時的拍照.當小約翰作工時,我關懷並向他分享福音.十一月六日清晨,在我到教會服事前我發現我一隻心愛的小鳥不明原因突然死亡倒斃在鳥籠中.正是那一天我邀請了小約翰到我清水的母會參加感恩節特別慶祝,這是他生平第一次踏入教會.在聽完我講道後,他舉手向神回應說:是的,我願意相信!這完全是聖靈在他心裡所動的善工,讚美主!!!我知道神藉這位屬靈新生兒的誕生安慰我心憂傷.這就是我生活真實的寫照!

敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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