
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report II-November 2010 十一月感恩事項 (二)

Posted on 上午9:49 by God's Family

(2) God enables me to have a good relationship with my landlord 神賜福我和房東的關係
My landlord is a zealous Buddhist. Therefore it is really challenging to build a good relationship with her, especially when she intends to ignore her responsibility as a landlord. I often prayed for her since I have moved into this apartment one year ago. God grants me the courage and wisdom to make assertive bargaining with her many times. Most important, God also enables me to have a good relationship with my landlord until now. 

我的房東是虔誠的佛教徒,她家中擺設一套頗高級的佛手椅背的桌椅. 因此要和房東建立良好的關係是極俱挑戰性的,尤其是當她有什麼都不想管企圖忽略擔任房東角色責任的意圖.自從去年搬入這公寓後我就經常為我的房東禱告. 感謝神賜我智慧與勇氣能多次和房東進行肯定的磋商.最重要的是直到如今神使我和房東一直保持良好的關係.
This was the gift that my landlord gave me, the bigger lemons named organic perfume lemons which I have never seen before. When my landlord received my gifts that she used to send something in return. This time she even taught me how to make the lemon vinegar.

My landlord also gave me the organic grape wine she made by herself which is almost the same as my mom made when I was a kid. There was a vineyard in the backyard of my home during my early childhood. I appreciate our LORD enables me to taste it again by my landlord. God is so amazing, He can use anyone, including the Buddhist, to make a benefit for his beloved servant. When I thought of it, I love and fear God more than before.


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