
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report- February 2010 二月感恩事項

This is my praise report this February:
 1. Thank the LORD for the nice reunion with my father and some friends. I took a video while having a chat with my father. I am also thankful  for those who love me and care me during the Chinese New Year. Some of my students kindly prepared delicious foods for me. They know I did not have good training in this field. They are good cookers, nice mothers and lovely students for me.
2. God blessed my ministry in the Grace Lutheran Church in Chinese New Year. We were all encouraged by God's wonderful words and message. 
3.The  LORD inspires me to apply what I learn in the BSF,  while preparing the sermon only focus on the Trinity  with new methodology.
4. I learned how to build my blogs by self-study continuously. I treat it as a tool of different ways to service God and His people. It was not easy for me to get familiar with it quickly. I still have lots to learn. 
5. God led a pastor and a minister to be my one on one students in this month in His way. This is a new start for my teach with biblical emotional logic course. God even solved my concern about the possibility  of misusing copyright easily. Only God is the Wisdom and the source of wisdom.
6. God's timing is so different with mine, when I laid down myself then He starts to work. I facilitated a senior professor with his National Science Council research project by accepting an qualitative research interview. It is about the relationship between Christian faith and Psychology. I have wrote a book about it before. My doctoral dissertation is also related. 
7. I built a blog for my love birds this month.  It is necessary but a little bit crazy, but they are so lovely for me. When I studied and I found their name meant agape love. Image that! They are prepared by God for me! How can I ignore them as before?!
8. God sent a young seeker to fix my computer freely. I have planned to do it since I moved to this city last August.
9. I adjusted the grief for frustrations and shock in my life though it gave me pains. Yet I believe God has His higher purpose than I comprehend.
10. God bless that I can have the nice relationship with my stingy Buddhistic landlord. I also kept to learn adjusting living in this city and apartment.

  God is so good to me. I love Jesus, He is worthy to be praised!

Praise Report- January 2010 一月感恩事項


1. 了解上帝的大家庭成員是如此多元、多才多藝,並且挑戰也多。
2. 建立許瑪莉部落格,學習許多網路語言和溝通方式,以及相關的軟體。
3. 上帝帶領一位牧師和傳道成為我一對一課程的學生,很感恩有機會服事神的使女。
4. 神很奇妙帶領讓我今年主日能協助信義會沐恩堂,下個月也有機會服事宣道會豐盛堂。

5. 持續參加英文查經和擔任義工很喜樂,沐浴在神恩中,英語說聽讀寫的能力也有些進步。
6. 學習使用臉書,研究E世代網路族群的思維與需求,了解資訊社會的發展與轉變,以及對教會的影響。
7. 有多位友人學生蒙恩,兩位被呼召全職服事,一位被教會按立傳道,一位完成牧師進修所需所有課程。
8. 特別的禮物是上帝藉朋友送的愛情鳥每天形影不離、甜甜蜜蜜,至今已產下六顆鳥蛋。
9. 感謝主,房東允諾本月租金用來修繕廚房。房東是一位虔誠佛教徒,請為她信主代禱。
10. 這一季冬天氣多變是肥胖的助手,還好中壢的青年健身中心離住處很近,神的預備真是最美好。
11. 感謝神,我始料未及這個月竟能和若干失散多年宣教士家庭成員有所接觸和連絡,大多是新生代。
12. 日子過得很充實,雖然很多書沒看,還有一大堆事未完成,但因盲點不斷被神光照處理,而發現自己習慣性的預設和方法論的有限性,讓我的人生各方面都有漸次的突破和轉化。

敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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