
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report-Autumn III 2011 秋季感恩事項(三)

3. Understand God's good will to lead me accepting the alternative treatment 了解神帶領我接受生物共振治療的美意
When there is no way, God always makes a way! The one of most difficult things for me to adjust about my thyorid cancer is to receive the alternative treatment for reasons. Firstly, it seems I recovery speedily. Secondly, the clinic is belong to a Buddist doctor. Thirdly, I totally lack of the knowledge and theory of the biosensor. Foruthly, there is no clear explanation about the BS therapy both in the clinic and in our county. Fifthly, no one will know or ensure what will happen after spending lots time, energy and money. Sixthly, it is expensive and no insurance. 

At first period, I refuse to accept the BST. But when I saw my eldest sister's healthy became worse and worse, I changed my mind. She was so weak, I thought that I had to try for her. If I did not try to, it seemed she had no chance to survive longer enough. I know I should respect God's authority for my eldest sister's live, but I still believe God's promise to save my family. I also appreciate God's leading me to study the book Isaiah at the BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) this year a lot, God enhances my faith about His victory to idolatry through my study His holy words. 
一剛開始我斷然拒絕接受另類治療. 但當我看見大姊身體健康每況愈下時,我改變心意.大姊身上癌細胞如此頑梗活耀,甚至將骨頭都吃斷了.我想我需要為大姊去試,大姊身體這麼脆弱.如果沒有試大姊可說沒有機會活多久了.我知道我要尊重神對大姊生命的主權,但我同時也相信神要拯救我全家的應許.

I am so thankful for my eldest sister becomes a little bit healthy now. Last month she started to receive the BST, too. After my contiunous visited and persuaded her six times in this summer, finally my brother-in-law and she agreed to try it. Isaiah 42:3 said "A bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench." God is so faithful and merciful!
我非常感謝神,我大姊現在已經比較健康一點點. 上個月她也開始接受生物共振治療.在暑假從中壢到沙鹿,連續六個星期的探訪與說明下,姊夫和大姊終於點頭願意試試看.賽42:3說壓傷的蘆葦祂不折斷,將殘的燈火祂不吹滅.神真是很憐憫又信實!

Last week I received a special phone call, a Buddist pateint told me he went to a local church not long ago. Praise to the LORD! This old man is another patient who also got a serious cancer. I have ever given my name card to him, and he has also ever seen God's wonderful healing after knowing my testing the BST result. Shine on me and this old man! One of the Buddist nurses also asked me to assist her cousin. 

敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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