
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


The Reunion With My Friends 和朋友歡聚

昨天和多年未見的朋友歡聚,數算主恩有說有笑,讓有自閉傾向的人變成了多嘴長舌婦. 朋友像沙拉之於生活;米飯之於生存;聖經之於生命都是不可或缺的必需品.敬虔愛主又委身的朋友更是上帝從天上掉下來給我們的禮物.
Friends are as salads in Life. Yesterday I met with the friends of the China Evangelical Seminary.God led them to cooperate with each other for many years, which I envy very much. We haven't met with each other more than ten years for ministry in different city. So we were exciting and had funny time.The friend sat beside me, who is a good writer and speaker. We had ever been to China together for forty days short-term mission in several cities about eleven locations with one junior colleague in 1992. We all experienced the extra grace and miracle of the Holy Spirit and had unforgettable memory that year. 
Our Heavenly Father is worthy to be praised! The friend sat in the middle is a committed rural missionary of  the U.M.O.T.(United Mission of Taiwan) more than fifteen years. She is good at leadership and administration. God healed her from two serious cancers without chemotherapy last year. 

敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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