
God's Family
My growing year I want to know more about Jesus,you and myself. 這是我的[喜樂年]! 若有感動歡迎代禱支持:郵政劃撥22076891 許惠善 或郵局 700 帳號00013270522611 許惠善


Praise Report-Summer IV 2011 夏季感恩事項(四)

4. Learn To Eat Nature Food And Enjoy Cooking  學習吃天然食物享受烹飪
Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it into your mouth.-Albert Ellis 

My students always told me it was not necessary for me to learn cooking before. However, our LORD has different opinion. This summer I start to learn how to eat nature food and cook for myself happily. There is a long road to run. 


Praise Report-Summer III 2011 夏季感恩事項(三)

3. Learn To Let Go Of The Old Way And Enjoy The New  學習放手享受新的人生
耶和華是應當稱頌的,因為他在堅固城裡向我施展奇妙的慈愛.(詩31:21) 2011年最令我跌破眼鏡的是,至今沒有一個日子是按我計劃過的. 原來神要我學習放手,享受新的人生.幾乎每隔幾天,甚至每天都是在[哇塞!原來是這樣子!]的驚奇中渡過的.
感謝神,春節我返鄉過清明節回家休養,今年有機會和家人相聚並且一起掃墓,將母親的墓園好好修整.而母會清水教會同工會則決議,要聘請我擔任終身職的顧問牧師.同時我也終於將過去多年來講道的錄音帶放到部落格分享網友(服事這是主題式),這是十五二十年來未能完成的事.(研究 這是經文式)沒想到在罹癌不到三個月內,神就使這事這樣奇妙的成就.雖然送去轉錄成MP3檔案花了不少銀子,但能使更多人認識神生命得以轉化是非常值得的.




Praise Report-Summer II 2011 夏季感恩事項(二)


2. Learn And 'Be Blessed' In the BSF  在英文查經團契中學習與被祝福
Isaiah 45:3 The LORD promises: "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places..."  The BSF is one of secret places where I find treasures and riches which the LORD prepares for me in recent years.

I want to give a lot of thanks to our teaching leaders, group leaders and each one who cares and prays for my health. Because of your faithful prayer and cry out to our LORD day and night, he responds it and grants me a great favor. He reverses the third stage of my thyroid cancer into the first stage and gives me a quick recovery, so that I become stronger and healthy now. The intention of the Satan is to destroy and to kill me, yet our LORD's will is to heal, to discipline and make me wholle through illness.

Through participating in BSF's diverse and brilliant group discussion and the devotional A.S.K. helped me to experience God's extraordinary love more than before. More and More I enjoy to be his VIP, to become His bride and belong to him thoroughly. 

As to BSF's seminar about biblical hermeneutics has impacted the methodology of my teaching courses, preparing lectures, and my perspective of interpreting and dealing with church's affairs.

I never think about how to be ready for the eternal destiny until last week. It enables me not only to connect the purpose and relationship between God's words and my daily life, but also strengthen me and give me hope to face the evil spiritual darkness and severe life challenges.

The most significant lesson I have learned and applied from my BSF study of Isaiah this year is to know and to trust God's plan, salvation and authority both in my life and nations. It renews my world view and transforms my value system from the above, so I can be satisfied, feel secure ad face tomorrow as well as to life honestly in his holy presence.

Whenever I ponder the principle that God wants all men to be saved and he communicates his salvation through his words. It alters my prayer, sermons and my behavior. It motivates me to take care of non-believers more, including my family, neighbors and new visitors in my church.

I especially appreciate the new page of hybrid group and the extension of our children program. What amazing answer the LORD let me see ! It is by our LORD that our leader team can accept the calling and difficult challenges. It nurtures and cultivates our next and grand generations! God is so awesome, I believe he will grants us a happy ending and a hopeful future. Praise our Almighty LORD! Amen!

敬拜神 Adore My LORD

我的神我要敬拜祢! I Adore You, My LORD! from Mary Hsu on Vimeo.


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